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UPDATE 3Q/2024

As we welcome the warmth of July, within a few steps to a well-deserved summer vacation and break for us all, it’s an opportune moment to reflect on the first half of this year.For you to pencil in key IBC events and Save the Date dates into your diaries, from La Rentrée in September 2024 to January2025.

IBC Platform – IBC Website,IBCLinkedIn Group,eventregistration automation

The“renovation” of theIBC IT platform(mailbox server, website, and LinkedIn IBC Group)is near completion. The update of theIBC website and automation of the IBC events’ registration process is well underway over the summer months.

IBC Events 2024-2025 (in italics IBC events completed to date)

1. IBC SKI Weekend 2024 25 to 28 January 2024 – Klosters, Switzerland:attended by +40participants

2. Monday 11 March 2024- IBC Spring Luncheon–Um Golf Restaurant Golf Grand DucalSpeaker: JERRY GRBIC, CEO, ABBL:attended by +29participants

3. Thursday 16thMay, 2024 – IBC APRES-SKI -Restaurant-Brasserie Le Seppl:attended by +15participants

4. Thursday6 June 2024 -IBC AGM 2024 & Summer Luncheon–Um Golf Restaurant Golf Grand DucalSpeaker: GILLES ROTH, Minister of Finance Luxembourg: AGMattended by +15 IBC participantsSummerluncheonattended by +52participants

5. Sunday 21 July 2024 – Luxembourg Discovery Day– A Tour of the Palais Grand Ducal followed by Luxembourg terroir degustation: FULL – 22 participants attending (the maximum capacity to visit the Palace)

**IBC Office Summer Break – From 22 July 2024 to 20 September 2024**

6. September/October– IBC Car Rally 2024– the Champagne region envisaged: to be confirmed

7. September/October IBC Golf Day 2024 – Luxembourg: to be confirmed

8. October- IBC Fall Luncheon 2024 Keynote Speaker: CLAUDE MARX, Director General, CSSF – STD Invitation/registration to follow

9. December 2024 – IBC pre-xmas LuncheonKeynote Speaker: SERGE WEYLAND, Director General, ALFI STD Invitation/registration to follow

10. January 2025 – IBC Ski Weekend 2025, Klosters, Switzerland – kick off by October/November 2024 – hotel booking & IBC registration process

With our best wishes, for a relaxing and exciting summer break, until we meet again from La Rentrée in September.

The IBC Board Members